Neck Stretches
* Start in seated position.* Sit up tall, reaching up through the top of the head.* Draw shoulders back.* Exhale, drop the chin towards your chest, keeping elbows and shoulders pulled back.* Inhale, raise the head back to the centre.* Do this five times, then exhale, drop the chin and stay in this position for three breaths, breathing through the nose.* Inhale, raise the head back to centre.* Exhale, slowly drop the right ear towards right shoulder.* Inhale, raise head back to the centre.* Do this five times, then at last, exhale, drop the ear towards the right shoulder and stay in this position for three breaths.* Inhale, raise head back to the centre.* Repeat on the left side.
Rolling your head around in a full circle can actually cause more damage, so avoid it. However, half circles in the front can be done instead. For this, first drop your chin to your chest. Move your chin towards the right shoulder, and then back to your chest. Then move your chin towards the left shoulder and back towards the chest. Repeat this movement three to five times.
Place the palm of your hand against the back of your head and gently press while resisting with your head. Hold for a count of 10. Repeat with your palm on your forehead. Now place the palm of your right hand against the right side of your head and press, again resisting the movement with your head. Repeat on the left side. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the neck and makes them less prone to strain.
(By Sandhya Gupta)
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