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Too many vitamins may damage your liver, says study

Health notes
Taking too many vitamin supplements regularly may lead to liver damage and birth defects, warn US experts. A panel that has called for urgent research into the side effects of tablets found that beta-carotene may raise the risk of lung cancer in smokers, reported the online edition of Daily Mail. Beta-carotene is an orange coloured plant pigment used in the manufacture of Vitamin A. It acts as an antioxidant and an immune system booster. Studies found a clear protective benefit against lung cancer for those who eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables.
However, when Scandinavian scientists gave study volunteers beta carotene, commonly found in orange-coloured fruits and vegetables, the risk of lung cancer in smokers increased. For other vitamins, concern surrounded “super dose” supplements that exceed recommended daily amounts. Taking too much niacin, which is also known as nicotinic acid or Vitamin B3, could damage the liver, and pregnant women who consume too much Vitamin A could see birth defects in their babies, the research claims.

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